Medium for urologists

Yet another social media platform?

A new social media platform seems to be announced on a weekly basis and it can be difficult to work out which are here to stay, and which will quickly fade into the distance.

Medium is a free and open social media writing platform. Medium was created by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams in 2012. It offers the same broad accessibility and interaction of information that Twitter provides, but unlike Twitter, there are no character limits. It is designed to make writing easy. As you write, your work is automatically saved as a draft version. The entire platform seems to be designed around simplicity. To write content you do not need to know anything about the technical aspects of website design, worry about hosting, servers or domain names. The only thing you need is a web browser, an internet connection and your imagination.

Joining Medium is easy and the site allows fast joining if you already use a registered Twitter, Facebook or Google account. Alternatively, you can use any e-mail account. For those who are used to Twitter, instead of hashtags, each article can be tagged, with a limit of 5 tags per article. As there are no character limits, your post can be as long or short as you want. Clicking on the encircled+ icon in the left page margin allows the addition of an image, video, embedding content or the creation of a partition within your text.

The strength of social media is the democracy it brings to individuals. Granted, someone with very few followers is less likely to be ‘heard’ even if they have a tweet of great quality. However, with the right hashtag or tweet to an influential individual, anyone can be heard. As with Twitter, Medium allows you to follow people and reach out to a network of people. The articles you write a known as stories, and you can interact with stories through responses and highlight sections of other peoples stories. Medium also allows you to create or follow publications which are collections of curated writers.

Currently, only a few urology journals run blog sections (BJUI blog, TrendsinMensHealth Blog). The editors or sub-editors have the final say as to which blogs are published. These blog posts often tie in with journal articles and provide an opportunity for community engagement. Medium can bring democracy to this process. However, surgeons are not early adopters of new social media platforms, and currently, there is relatively little content on Medium targeted for urologists.

Medium allows easy creation of content and is free. There are multiple ways to interact with creators, as well as simply consume their content. Medium has are rare opportunity to establish itself within communities and expand its user base. However, whether Medium is here to stay will be determined by you.

Published 05/3/2017

Author: Mr Ivo Dukic, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Unversity Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, subspecialising in endourology and kidney stone surgery, Birmingham, United Kingdom.  Further information can be found through his Top Doctors profile or book an appointment through the Harborne Hospital, HCA Healthcare or the Priory Hospital, Edgbaston, Circle Health Group. Website: Twitter (X) @urolsurg.

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Advanced Twitter

It has been a few years since my post on “Twitter for urologists” was published in Urology News 1. Given the continued rise of the platform, I thought it was time to revisit and expand on the Twitter’s functionality. In this review, I will attempt to expand your use of Twitter and explain how to make your Twitter time more relevant, and boost and track your social media influence.

Twitter provides many advantages in the information age. Fundamentally, it allows access to a community who can narrow down the information needed to stay current. It enables individuals to have a voice within their community, whether it is on literature reviews (international journal club @iurojc) or as an independent view on national issues such as the UK junior doctors strike.

If you are new to using Twitter, please first read my first guide to using Twitter 1, establish a Twitter profile, and read some guidelines on the safe and appropriate social media use for urologists (links below)2,3,4,5. Since 2013, Twitter has undergone many changes including adding Highlights, a Night mode, displaying videos and live feeds. However, the most useful feature is probably Lists.


Lists are curated groups of Twitter accounts. You can create a list of people by going to the gear icon drop-down menu, or by clicking Lists on your profile page, then click Create List, name the List and provide a description, designate the List as private or public and finally save the List.

Lists provide an easier way to engage a particular group of people and follow a conversation or series of topics e.g. you can create an UK endourology list, pelvic oncology list or just the most active Twitter users lists that you happen to follow. You can also be added to other users lists or follow lists already created by other twitter users.


Tweetdeck’s tag line is “tweet like a pro”. Tweetdeck6 allows users to follow and engage across multiple twitter accounts, follow certain hashtags, users or lists. In essence, it is a supped up version of the twitter app, and the initial software was so good that Twitter bought the Tweetdeck company. If you run it on a laptop you can display multiple feeds and organise these feeds in whichever way you choose. This can be a great way of seeing the latest developments at a conference by simply following the hashtag of the conference e.g. #baus17. Tweetdeck is available as an app on iOS and OSX (App Store), and the Twitter app is available on Windows computers. You can also run Tweetdeck through the web version of the software6.

The science of popularity

If your goal is to accrue as many followers as Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian, 48 Million followers) or Dr Ben Davies (@daviesbj, 3520 followers), there are ways to maximise your exposure on twitter, without resorting to “breaking the internet”.

To increase your influence you can use tools such as Tweriod7 to work out when most of your followers are active. A social media scheduling app, such as Buffer8, will then allow you to schedule your posts to the set period when your followers are most active. This allows the optimal period for your tweet to be read and reposted and for your notoriety to prosper in the twittersphere.

Socialrank9 allows you to find the most influential people within your network, and can give additional information such as the most engaged, most valuable and best followers. Once you have put all of this new information to work, you can track your growing influence using Klout10. Your Klout score tracks your social media influence using the amount of engagement with your social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

If all this new found knowledge sounds a bit tortuous, you can just try and make sure to use hashtags when you tweet and reply directly to users e.g. @urolsurg. Following people is a good way to get lots of users to follow you back, especially if you identify yourself within your profile. Additionally, adding images to tweets increases the chances of your tweet being clicked on or reposted.

Get a spare battery

All of this tweeting tends to drain smartphone batteries, and carrying a portable battery charger is a useful addition to any conference bag.

Clearly, this is not an exhaustive list of tips, tricks or features. If you have any other tips or tricks please get in touch using the hashtag #advtwt or tweet me @urolsurg.

Published 05/1/2017

Author: Mr Ivo Dukic, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Unversity Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, subspecialising in endourology and kidney stone surgery, Birmingham, United Kingdom.  Further information can be found through his Top Doctors profile or book an appointment through the Harborne Hospital, HCA Healthcare or the Priory Hospital, Edgbaston, Circle Health Group. Website: Twitter (X) @urolsurg.

References and links

  1. [cited 2016 Sep 19]
  2. [cited 2016 Sep 19]
  1. Murphy DG, Loeb S, Basto MY, Challacombe B, Trinh Q-D, Leveridge M, et al. Engaging responsibly with social media: the BJUI guidelines. BJU Int. 2014 Jul;114(1):9–11.
  2. Rouprêt M, Morgan TM, Bostrom PJ, Cooperberg MR, Kutikov A, Linton KD, et al. European Association of Urology (@Uroweb) recommendations on the appropriate use of social media. Eur Urol. 2014 Oct;66(4):628–32.
  3. Mata DA, Tilak G, Loeb S, Ramasamy R. Curating a Digital Identity: What Urologists Need to Know About Social Media. Urology [Internet]. [cited 2016 Sep 19]; Available from:
  4. Tweetdeck – [cited 2016 Sep 19]
  5. Tweriod [cited 2016 Sep 19]
  6. Buffer [cited 2016 Sep 19]
  7. Socialrank [cited 2016 Sep 19]
  8. Klout  [cited 2016 Sep 19]

Urological emergencies app

Urology News and BrainyDoc Ltd are back with another brand new educational app called ‘Urological Emergencies’. The app is available as a free download for iPhone and iPad (iTunes) and Android mobile devices (Google Play).

The Urological Emergencies app provides a series of topics relating to common urological emergencies. The layout is similar to the Urology News app with a central ‘Contents’ menu detailing various emergency conditions. A tap reveals more on each condition, on a single scrolling page and the sections can be easily accessed through a series of shortcuts at the top of each page. Each section provides a structured approach to the diagnosis, investigation and management of common urological emergency conditions. At the bottom of the ‘Contents’ page there is a link to relevant British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) consent forms in and information on the authorship of the app.

The app covers a wide range of common urological emergencies. The content is thoroughly researched and has been approved by the BAUS Education Committee. The content is chiefly designed for hospital practitioners and would be most suitable for accident and emergency doctors and nurse specialists, foundation doctors, core trainees and allied specialists who are responsible for patients with emergency urological conditions. It can also be used a teaching aid for medical students and would be a beneficial resource for community healthcare practitioners.


The Urological Emergencies app is useful for anybody involved in the diagnosis and management of urological emergencies. The app is well researched and has the potential to greatly improve the standard of patient care. I would highly recommend downloading the Urological emergencies app and sharing it with your teams. Voted best app in the BJUI Social Media Awards 2016, BJUI Journal.

Ivo Dukic, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust